"It's reno season!"

“$1,000 for your renovation project” is a contest organized by Groupe BMR inc. (the “contest organizers”). It will take place on and from March 7th, 2024 at 8 a.m. EDT to June 15th, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. EDT (the “duration of the contest”). No purchase is required.


This contest is open to all private persons of full age residing in the province of Quebec. However, the person for whom a promotional contest is held, their employer, representative, agent, and the persons with whom they are domiciled may not enter the contest.


Anyone wishing to participate in the contest must:

1. Submit their entry to the contest by subscribing to the Potvin & Bouchard newsletter or the BMR newsletter using the online form available at this address, between March 7th 2024, and June 22th, 2024: 


2. Be subscribed to the Potvin & Bouchard newsletter or the BMR newsletter as of June 15th, 2024. Subscription to the Potvin & Bouchard newsletter or the BMR newsletter gives one (1) chance to win.

Eligible persons who have already subscribed to the Potvin & Bouchard newsletter or the BMR newsletter automatically receive one (1) chance to win and do not need to resubmit their contest entry.

Limit of one entry per person and per valid email address.


One (1) grand prize comprised of two (2) Potvin & Bouchard or BMR gift cards valued at $500 each that can be used at our participating Agrizone, BMR, BMR Express and BMR PRO and Potvin & Bouchard stores. The total value of the prize is $1,000.


The winner will be determined by random draw on June 17th, 2024, at 11 a.m. in Boucherville, at the Groupe BMR office located at 1501 Ampère St., Suite 200.

The contest organizers will email the winner using the address provided in the Potvin & Bouchard or BMR newsletter subscription form. The winner will be asked to reply to the organizers by email to claim their prize.

Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received during the contest that comply with the present rules.


Before being declared a winner, the selected participant must: 

  1. Reply to the email sent by the contest organizers within seventy-two (72) hours after the organizers send the email. The winner must comply with the indicated guidelines. Any sending of an email resulting in a failure to receive the message will result in the disqualification of that winner, and a new winner will be determined for that prize only in the same manner as provided for in the draw section, but as soon as possible; 
  2. Correctly answer a mathematical skill-testing question when they contact the Contest Organizers by email.


Verification. To be declared the winner, the selected participant must comply with the participation conditions and meet the eligibility requirements provided for in the present rules. Failure to meet any of these conditions will result in the winner’s automatic disqualification, and a new winner will be determined for this prize. Any entry that is fraudulent, registered, or submitted late, as the case may be, can be rejected and will not be eligible for participation or the random draw, as the case may be.

The name of the winner will be announced on June 22th, 2024 on the website and the website.

Communication with participants. No communication or correspondence will be exchanged with the contest participants except in compliance with the rules or at the contest organizers’ initiative.

Acceptance of the prize. The prize must be accepted as described in the present rules and can at no time be transferred, in whole or in part, to another party, replaced by another prize, or exchanged for cash, except as provided in the following paragraph.

Prize substitution. In the event that it is impossible, difficult, or costlier for the contest organizers to award the prize (or part of the prize) as described in the present rules, Groupe BMR inc. reserves the right to replace the prize (or part of the prize) with one of the same kind and of equivalent value or, at its sole discretion, with the cash value of the prize (or part of the prize) as indicated in the present rules.

Limitation of liability:

Use of the prize. By participating in this contest, all participants release the contest organizers, any company, corporation, trust, or other legal entity controlled by or associated with the contest organizers, their advertising and promotional agencies, employees, representatives, and agents from any liability for any damages resulting from the acceptance or use of their prize.

Authorization. By participating in the contest, the participant authorizes Groupe BMR inc. to use, if necessary, their name, Facebook profile picture, city, voice, image, or statements related to their prize for advertising purposes, without any form of compensation. The winner waives any moral rights and assigns to Groupe BMR inc. any economic rights associated with the use or distribution of their name or image related to their prize for advertising, commercial, or other purposes. 

Disqualification. Any entry or attempted entry using electronic, automated, or other means contrary to the spirit of the contest (e.g. computer piracy, bots, etc.) will be automatically disqualified and may be referred to competent legal authorities. The contest organizers reserve the right to disqualify a participant or cancel one or more entries if the person is participating or attempting to participate in the contest using means that do not comply with the present rules or that are unfair to the other participants.

Contest modifications. Groupe BMR inc. reserves the right to modify, cancel, or suspend the contest without notice.

Decisions by the contest organizers. Any decision by the contest organizers or their representatives relating to this contest is final and binding.

Limitation of liability: 

Operation of the contest. Groupe BMR inc. is not responsible for the non-compatibility or failure of the participant’s computer equipment that may prevent them from participating in the contest.

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Potvin & Bouchard attaches great importance to the protection of your personal data. For more information, please consult our Privacy Policy at the following address: